Hello everybody and how are you awesome members/advertisers/business clients doing today? I hope you guys are all doing well. We are doing pretty good here and I have some major exciting news about our company. I also have some other announcements as well pertaining to our current network of websites. More or less just some a small number of updates with terms and such/small reminders. Before I begin, I want to thank all you awesome active members. You guys help our websites/business be what they are today.
For most of you don’t know that I had launched a web hosting/domain name sales company called Organic Hippy Hosting SHH!! in June 18, 2023: https://www.organichhs.com/about. Thought still under construction I have started to up my game as a major purchase of a company called Maderite Hosting/Maderite Scripts. What does this means? Well I have more web hosting clients then I did before. This gives me development and reseller rights to Maderite Scripts which is a PTC/GPT website script. I plan on updating the script. I also purchase a bunch of the owner of Maderite Hosting’s PTC/PTR websites. I am already a LFMTE traffic exchange script reseller so this will add more products I can sell to my plate. For those of you that didn’t know both Atomic PTC and OffersAndClicks used to run on Maderite Scripts under our other top level domains; atomicptc.info and offersandclicks.info
On top of that some of the other assets purchased from the company owner of Maderite Hosting is bunch a new sites to add to my network PeetreeAdNetwork.com. Below are the websites that will be added to my network. The PTCs are running Maderite Scripts and the PTR’s are running Cash Crusader script. These are my new network website added to my company.
My new PTCs:
· http://madmoneyclickers.info
· http://tuxedocatsclicks.info
My Native American ring PTC Webs:
· http://www.apacheclicks.info/
· http://www.blackfeetptc.info/
· http://www.cherokeeclicks.info/
· http://www.commancheclicks.info/
· http://www.iroquoisptc.info/
· http://www.kiowaclicks.info/
· http://www.navajoclicks.info
· http://www.nezperceclicks.info/
· http://www.shawneeclicks.info
My new PTRs:
Please note that I’m still currently working on getting all the site working and ready for your all. Now with the awesome news. I have also taken over the rights and development of the Maderite Script code and plan on updating the code and adding features now that I have take over. I will hopfully soon be able to make re-open up the sale of Maderite Scripts MRV5 once I get the keymaker working.
Other news I plan on updating the terms of service as I have plans on opening up the out default payment proof pages on all my sites. The update will be mainly about your username being shared on on the payment proof pages and what not. Reason is no one is posting payment proofs and this doesn’t help the sites. I have to answer more then one ticket as to why I don’t enable to those pages. But will be some update else where in our terms/privacy policies especially with the merge of all of Maderite Hosting & Maderite Scripts assets.
Some last bit information I want to remind you all of we DO NOT take cheating lightly and will not put up those real cheaters. This means if you make too many false sign up in our paid to sign up section you are suspend. Our settings on this are pretty layback. But this means you must also FOLLOW the PTSU offer’s rules on what they want on sign ups. This goes for outside my sites as I advertise on other platforms and I see a lot of you doing the same stuff. Do not sign up on programs if you have already sign up as a member unless the rules of the paid to sign up offer says it’s ok.
No VPNs or proxies are allowed to be used while logged into our websites. No multiple accounts allowed. We will be putting together wall of shame/banned pages in our forums for each of the sites. If you name is on there this means we fully investigated and have all the proof we need. If you name isn’t but you were suspended by our cheats systems, this means we have determined it to be a mistake. Contact us if this is you. We from time to time again enable cheat links. If you click on these you are most likely a bot clicker. Some links say they are cheat links. This mean you not paying attention to what you are viewing. Clicking those too many times will get you banned as well. We also have other auto clicking detection software, cheat check question and third party services to ensure the service works for all.
Anyways that is it for the moment as I have a lot of things to do as one person. :D This news post will also be in our discussion forums here where you can comment: https://forum.rutakuspixel.com/index.php?topic=350.0
We are changing our forum system, AirTm added to sites and fully accepted through Us
Hello everyone sorry if it seems like I’m not all that active in the site, but the fact is I am but I also work at another job full time and run quite a few websites. I’ve been a one-man team on this thing for a while. I’ve been busting me behind as my goal for this year is start getting to the point to not be working for anyone else. So as I’m still working on fully integrating Skrill in to the system you guys are going to have to order through our support ticket system for the time being and all commissions will be add manually to your uplines. Payouts available through Skrill. We have now also have added or in the process of add AirTm to our systems as well both purchases and payout can be done with the payment processor once fully integrated. Paypal has been enable from my understanding for the sites so no support ticket needed for the moment. The reason is for this year 1% of all purchases are going to charities of our choice for the whole year. At the moment I’m working a pet’s thing for our local are home office. This goes for all purchasing options we accept. Also, we never keep balances in our accounts all money is transferred into our business bank account so you know your orders are for the most part safe. As you never know just note that I and any team I hire will so the best we can.
Second piece of info is I’m switching the forums for all sites over to https://forum.rutakuspixel.com/ our boards are closer to the bottom with all of my network websites and now we have a forum for my traffic exchange Rutakus Pixel TE. The reason for this is to make it easier to maintain all sites in one forum. Plus, I like the SMF (simple machines forum) system. Site forums will be open for the next couple of weeks as I have a splash page design I need to finish up for the promo tools on the traffic exchange and get my new PTC site opened up that will have low payout and cheap advertising.
So everyone don’t forget my network is Peetree Ad Network: http://www.peetreeadnetwork.com and all of our websites are listed on this page. Thanks for reading
Hello all you wonderful members of our network, i.e. Atomic PTC, Epic PTC, OffersAndClick, Rutakus Pixel TE and Team JR pixel ads site. I know it doesn’t look like ma lot of activity on the site but I’m on everyday in the background and backing up the sites. But I’ve been super busy with my other job as the holiday season comes closer. I’m also in the process of getting a loan for my house which is all our office location for PeeTree Ad Network sites (http://www.peetreeadnetwork.com). So as you can see I’m super busy but as soon as things start coming to a close for this house I can start putting a little b it more focus on the sites as well like getting the web layouts/designs done for the each site so they look different and more appealing.
So, the first thing I would like to address and it’s a very hard decision but for right now this is until we know for sure PayPal isn’t going to be stupid. So for now on until we change it otherwise PayPal purchased are disable for Atomic PTC, Epic PTC, & Offers And Clicks. You can still add balance to your accounts but you MUST open a support ticket and we will create an invoice for you. Our refund policy is the same as before see terms of service if you forgot. The biggest reason for this is sites like these PayPal is being very stupid with online earning sites which as some of you who have been doing this for awhile now know a lot of honest business owners or individual people. Though scammers don’t help the situation still there is no excuse for PayPal to freeze and steal people’s money without and reason. The second reason is to prevent return fraud or fraud type transactions as it has become a problem for a lot businesses. We are still going keeping PayPal as withdraw option though we are no longer going to keep a balance in Paypal as much as we can. Funds are from now on transferred to our business bank account for purposes of being able to make more payout options available and to prevent as much of an lose of money if a processor decided to not give us our money. Rutakus Pixel TE will still have PayPal for purchase for the time being until I can add different options to the site, then Rutakus Pixel TE will follow the same rules as Atomic PTC and so on. Team JR pixel site’s (https://pixel.rutakuspixel.com/) PayPal is fully functional. We are also going to offering more options for purchasing outside the norms of our sites. We currently working on adding AirTm for a payment processor and payout option and hopefully soon Skrill. I have a personal Skrill account but that is not going to work with our system.
Another small bit of news is I’m going to start cleaning out the unverified accounts from the system as they are wasting resources that could be used for active serious earners/users. Users just as any other deleted account can always be restored if not terms of service were violated.
Either way as I’m currently a one-man team here at the moment with big idea and I’m doing the best I can to get things rolling with this being said. I will be having a new staff member here soon to help out as we start to grow. I’m also slowly working on bringing in more advertisers to give you guys more earning options be either way you guys will earn and be paid. Thanks for reading You guys have an awesome day.
This is more or less to let yoiu guys know an script update will be coming on Monday for all the ptc sites and script will be install one by one so there will be some down time during the beginnging of the week.
Peetree Ad Network News 6-26-2019 part
Peetree Ad Network News 6-26-2019 part 2
Thanks for watching
Well hello members of my network of advertising sites together as one PeeTree Ad Network (http://peetreeadnetwork.com). I know I haven’t posted anything lately and/or it doesn’t look like there is a whole lot going on. Well beside working another job while trying to make my ideas manifest into something awesome. PeeTree Ad Network which consist of Offers And Click(one site), Atomic PTC, Epic PTC, Rutakus Pixel TE, and pixel ads/teamjr.org. All are registered trades names under my company Rutakus/Rust of All Trades which is a kind of jack of all trade company that cares. We all have to survive. Also I’m disabled with multiple bulging discs in my spine so my business hires people with disabilities or limitations.
So first I want to discuss a bit an issue with Rutakus Pixel TE. As you guys know parts of the site are secure while others aren’t for reasons like surf in SSL doesn’t display non-secure site depending internet browser. Lately the entire site is secure and I can’t seem to get it to display in the frame. I’m still working on it but I will be moving servers/hosts soon as too many issues with loading and what not. But I’m in the process or making sure all my hosting/server are “green” and sustainable for our environment. I might even change the script as well. But that might change it just depends.
Now I’m also announcing we are offering payouts through Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies/alt-coins but I plan on only open that up once a month. I haven’t thought up a schedule for it yet but I think we might beta test this idea and how it can work. Payout will be what ever the minimum is set to on the site. Right now our paid to click sites are set to $10 and Rutakus Pixel I think set to $30 or $25. I’m in the process of getting Skrill set up for the sites. I have personal Skrill verified so I can accept payment there if you submit a support ticket but not ready for the site. I will be using coinbase mainly but also coinpayments. Either way Paypal will not be the only payout option.
Coinbase: https://www.coinbase.com/join/5b759d81922cba0b1469e3fa
Coinpayments: https://www.coinpayments.net/index.php?ref=758aed8b0545f26d2e207a10c73de4aa
Please make sure you open a support ticket if you have issues.
Thanks for reading
Also posted here: https://www.rutakus.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=29:some-network-updates-bitcoin-payouts&catid=15&Itemid=240
Well I must say members of our PeeTree Ad Network sites I proud to announce that I have renewed and just received my updated business licenses for my company. Also I have registered PeeTree Ad Network, Atomic PTC, Epic PTC and Offer And Clicks as tradenames for my business. Rutakus Pixel has already been registered for a while. But here is a link to our business license on our secure content delivery network site for our company: https://cdn.rutakus.net/documents/Business_License2019-endjun.pdf
Well, hello members. I’m pleased to announce that this week or by next week to the latest I will be doing a script upgrade on our paid to click web sites. First we will be doing Offers And Clicks because we have it in maintenance anyways as we were still in the process of importing the old database into the new code and then we ran across an issue in the front end of the site preventing us from opening up the site. So the plan is to upgrade the site first Then Atomic PTC and lastly Epic PTC. Right now our sites are using EvolutionScript 5.3 and the upgrade with be 5.5 the most recent version. We will post more updates after the script upgrade. Thank for reading.
Well hello victors and members. So as some know but most don’t know who we are and want we do. This part in which we call PeeTree Advertising Network (http://peetreeadnetwork.com) that is part of the company Rutakus. Rutakus started in 2010 as just a computer repair company but has changed over the years in to something more in which we are becoming a true jack of all trades. The PeeTree Ad Network part of our company consists of 3 paid to click sites, one traffic exchange and a pixel type of advertising site. The pixel type of advertising site is a web site we run to help my girlfriend get through college and we only get 3% of the monthly earnings which really isn’t much at the moment. But we would like that to change.
Two of the paid to click sites we own we owned for a long time. The first one is our very first site that I the owner bought from someone in about 2009 or something, but has been around for a long while and I have had it running on two different versions of aurora gpt script and now runs on EvolutionScript ( http://www.evolutionscript.com/ref/772). The second paid to click site is one I had bought as a turnkey site under the dot info top level domain which I lost after being offline for a major health and personal problems. Now we have the dot com top level domain for Atomic PTC. We know the previous owner of the dot com top level domain scammed people but it now our brand and we are not scammers and it sad we have to state this. Which leads me to the next web site that has now became part of our network, Epic PTC dot com. Basically, is now our adopted little brother but I found out after words was previous owned by a scammer which is sad because it’s a cool sounding and easy to remember name. The domain was available and I bought it and installed evoscript and got the domain added to my evoscript license which the ultimate (diamond) license latest version). This doesn’t change anything, I want to change that and make it into something awesome as I think ptc (paid to click) is a good thing if done right for all people especially people with disabilities. Lots of scammer messed it up for the honest people. Anyways, there is nothing I can do about the previous owner(s) of Epic PTC. I’m sorry that happened. I know as I’m a clicker myself since 2006 or 2005 started while I was in college to make extra money. I have been scammed many times and I had unfortunately have documented every one of them. Our last site Offers And Clicks is still under maintenance while we finish manually importing the data from old script database. Atomic PTC has imported. So if you have issues with any of your data contact us with proof like screenshots of invoice numbers so we can check all of our data. We have all the database from since we took over the sites on (Atomic PTC/Offers And Clicks). We decided not to import old orders or payouts as my OCD won’t allow for the funny looking and messed up front end as the importing doesn’t look right. So if you by chance need info for whatever reason (taxes or business purposes) we can try and provide the info as best as possible.
Our PTC sites
Atomic PTC: https://www.atomicptc.com
Epic PTC: https://www.epicptc.com
Offers And Clicks: https://www.offersandclicks.com
Last site is our traffic exchange called Rutakus Pixel TE which right now we have running on a code called Ventrino (http://www.ventrino.com/billing/aff.php?aff=478). We are using the full traffic exchange which when we started it we were using the co-op and just decided to change it. Great site for free traffic.
Our Traffic Exchange - Rutakus Pixel TE: https://www.rutakuspixel.com/
Lastly that little pixel site I was talking about earlier in this article/news post can be found at here http://teamjr.org and click on the “pixel ads” link to buy pixel ads as I will help my beautiful girlfriend get through college or our household survive while she is bettering her life. We believe in helping people better their lives. 3% goes to my company for hosting costs and processing orders. If the monthly income isn’t much we aren’t going to take any money out except what is taken out from payment processor fees.
Anyways, that it for the moment thanks for reading. Stay tuned later as we might be looking for forum moderators/staff soon. Side note we still doing a lot of back-end work on all of our network web sites and I’m currently the only employee at this time and I do work another job as well where I put in huge amount hours at this time.
Also posted this on our main web site located here: PeeTree Ad Network news on Rutakus/Rust of All Trades